Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Brief update

A few updates since my last post.

Leeds Abbey dash went better than expected.  I secretly aimed for sub 34 and just sneaked in with 33:51, the last mile was tough which showed up my lack of speed endurance.  I was happy all the same.

I missed the North Eastern cross country due to not putting my name down before the deadline.  Instead I went for the Simonside Cairns race.  A cracking 11 miler starting in Rothbury.  This time my speed endurance paid off, battling with a young whipper snapper in the remaining three miles.  I broke free and ended up winning.  Champion!

Morpeth 11k was a cold affair and a good way to start the year.  It was very quick considering the long drag up Morpeth steads.  I was happy with the result and felt quite strong at the end.  Pilates is paying dividends.  1st v40, 13th overall.

I have no targets this year in particular.  I have, however, sent off my application for the North East Masters.  

I am quite happy getting in some consistent training weeks and picking events when they crop up. No doubt I'll be swayed into trying something daft......

All the best.